Further to the announcement published on Tadawul's website on 19-04-2018 related to THE QASSIM CEMENT CO ANNOUNCES THE INTERIM FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING ON 31-03-2018 (THREE MONTHS)

Further to the announcement published on Tadawul's website on 19-04-2018 related to THE QASSIM CEMENT CO ANNOUNCES THE INTERIM FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING ON 31-03-2018 (THREE MONTHS)



Further to the announcement published on Tadawul website on 19-04-2018 related to THE QASSIM CEMENT CO ANNOUNCES THE INTERIM FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING ON 31-03-2018 (THREE MONTHS), Qassim Cement Co. announces addendum as:

- Total comprehensive income during the current quarter amounted to SAR 57,175,776 compared to SAR 80,300,797 for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, in a decrease of 28.80%. and compared to SAR 67,467,261 for the previous quarter, in a decrease of 15.25%.

- Total shareholders equity (No Minority interests) amounted SAR 1,729,381,098 by end of March 2018, compared to SAR 1,761,413,696 as of end of March 2017 in a decrease of 1.82%.

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Qassim Cement Company is a Saudi Joint Stock company, established in accordance with the Royal Decree No. M/62 on 15 Shaban, 1396H. (August 11, 1976) and registered in Buraydah City under commercial registration number 1131001224 on 28 Shaban, 1398 (August 2, 1978). On 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH (June 10, 2024), Qassim Cement Company announced the completion of the acquisition of Hail Cement Company (HCC) by increasing its capital through the issuance of new shares to Hail Cement Company shareholders.

Contact Us

Qassim Cement Co.| Building No: 4266 | Unit Number: 1 | Buraidah: 52271 - 6735 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Phone : (+966) 16 316-5555

Fax : (+966) 16 381-6041

Email : qcc@qcc.com.sa

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